
One of the traits I love most about Moltmann’s work is that he has the unbelievable knack of turning a question on its head.  I tend to call these moments “WWF smackdown” moments, as I’ve mentioned elsewhere.  In reframing a question, Moltmann puts on his superhero cape and rescues us…

I am in a The Church in the Power of the Spirit mood today, so here’s your Moltmann Monday excerpt, italics mine: “In peaceful times the church could affirm itself by demonstrating the unbroken and unaltered continuance of its tradition and traditions.  People appealed to these things, trusting in the…

Well hello there, fellow blogosphere friends!  I hope you had a lovely and relaxing summer.  I took a wonderful break from the virtual world and have spent the last week getting slowly back into the swing of things.  As today is Monday, what better way to kick off my blog…

Just in time for Moltmann Monday, Emergent Village has just released the first podcast episode from last September’s EV Theological Conversation.  Head on over to iTunes and subscribe to the EV Podcast- it’s free!  In this first episode, Tony Jones and I talk with Professor Moltmann about his life story…

Pentecost is probably my favorite day of the year.  My Journey peeps joke that I say that when every single Christian holiday comes around, but seriously, Pentecost is my favorite.  I will not waste an hour of your time rambling as to why.  As it’s Monday, I thought I’d pass…