
Happy Advent, everyone!  And what better to kick off this first Monday of Advent than a little Moltmann messianic theology? The messiah will come when it is possible because the way has been prepared for him.  This is the advice of the prophets (Isaiah 40).  Prepare the way for the…

Another quote from Elisabeth Moltmann-Wendell, this from the concluding pages of I am My Body:  A Theology of Embodiment. “Reflection on embodiment as a central Christian topic prompts mistrust of a Western Augustinian theology which begins with the fall instead of creation and the pleasure which God took in this…

In honor of last week’s synchroblog on loving our enemies, here’s a prayer Moltmann wrote for a sermon on this difficult teaching of Jesus: “Heavenly Father, we call upon you in Jesus’ name.  We come with empty hands.  We have not been able to love our enemies.  As a rule…

Happy Moltmann Monday!  In honor of my friend who is reading The Way of Jesus Christ today, here’s an excerpt from that work: “The gospel is the light which salvation throws ahead of itself.  It is nothing less than the arrival of the coming God in the word.  We have…

This Monday morning, an excerpt of classic Moltmann theology for you: “If one hopes for the sake of Christ in the future of God and the ultimate liberation of the world, he cannot passively wait for this future, and, like the apocalyptic believers, withdraw from the world.  Rather he must…