
This Monday morning’s Moltmann minute, from the opening chapter of Jesus Christ for Today’s World: Anyone who gets involved with Jesus gets involved with the Kingdom of God. This is an inescapable fact, for Jesus’ own concern was, and is, God’s kingdom. Anyone who looks for God and asks about…

Happy Moltmann Monday!  Some thoughts on freedom, love, and community for you: The truth of freedom is love. It is only in love that human freedom arrives at its truth. I am free and feel myself to be truly free when I am respected and recognized by others and when…

Fitting words of wisdom from Moltmann after this weekend’s tragedy in Tucson: Today the peoples of the earth are entering a shared global history, because they are all mortally endangered, on the one hand by the nuclear threat they pose to one another, and on the other by the ecological…

Happy New Year, everyone!  I hope you enjoyed your Christmas break as much as I did.   It’s our first Moltmann Monday of 2011, and today’s excerpt comes from his book Jesus Christ for Today’s World.  I found it fitting as we celebrate these last few days of Christmastide and…

From a Moltmann sermon on Isaiah 9: All the images the prophet uses to paint the possible future point to one fact: the birth of the divine child. The burning of the weapons, the jubilation and the great light are all caught up in the birth of God’s peace-bringer. They…