
Hi all- A few days late, here are some weekly thoughts from our German friend.  Today’s excerpt comes from Jesus Christ for Today’s World. When we talk about Christ’s resurrection from the dead we are not talking about a fact. We are talking about a process. We are talking in…

Happy Easter, everyone!  Ah, how I missed my German friend!  And what better way to celebrate than to share some of his words on the resurrection from The Way of Jesus Christ:   Seeing history in the perspective of resurrection means participating through the Spirit in the process of resurrection….

In preparation for our entry into the season of Lent, here are a few words from Moltmann’s The Way of Jesus Christ in an introductory section of the chapter,  “The apocalyptic sufferings of Christ”: At the center of Christian faith is the history of Christ. At the center of the…

This Monday morning’s Moltmann outtake comes from The Church in the Power of the Spirit, in the chapter of that same name: It is necessary to reflect theologically on the mission of the community and every individual Christian, and on the congregation’s order and special ministry for before anyone actually…

I realize I’m prone to these kinds of statements about Moltmann, but honestly, the paragraph below is absolutely mind blowingly fantastic. It’s so good, I’m not going to say any further commentary about the content itself, other than encourage you to read it, and think about the vast amount of…