Articles by danielle

I’m honored to be in such good company with the many scholars, theologians and pastors who contributed to this unique Bible edition. Accompanying the readable translation of the Common English Bible, 80 women from diverse backgrounds have written reflections and articles on the many women- named and unnamed- that are…

Today’s selection comes from Moltmann’s most recent book The Living God and the Fullness of Life. He’s talking about community and our role in society and as the church. I thought it was fitting to ponder today: The love for life creates community, but our late-capitalist societies are becoming class…

Last Sunday, I visited an Episcopal church for morning worship and found myself resting comfortably in the liturgy that formed much of my childhood. I didn’t grow up Episcopalian, but I attended an Episcopal school where daily chapel was my reality for a decade, and I credit that to much…

Today’s selection is from The Trinity and the Kingdom, in a section where Moltmann is offering a criticism of political and clerical monotheism. It’s a long section, but this excerpt gives us plenty of food for thought and gets to the heart of the matter: If we see the Almighty…

Happy Moltmann Monday! I recommended The Way of Jesus Christ to someone over the weekend as a good overarching Moltmann book, so I’m choosing today’s passage from there. It comes from his chapter on the Cosmic Christ, which sounds funky but really only means the scope of Jesus in relation…