The Emergent Theological Conversation with Jurgen Moltmann is drawing near! To get us all in the spirit of this landmark event, this week I’ll be doing a series of posts to tell you the top five reasons I love Moltmann. Reason #1: Moltmann actually cares about the Holy Spirit. If…
Next week I’m going to tell you the top 5 reasons why I love Moltmann. (Believe me, I could list thousands, but I’ll just give you the top five.) For now, though, I’ll point out one example of Moltmannian genius for you that I like to call WWF Smackdown Moments….
My friend Troy sent me this poem today. It’s very fitting, as our Journey Moltmann Group has been having nonstop conversations about the idea of God being all in all, which Moltmann believes is THE promise through which all other promises will be fulfilled. I’ll blog more about this later,…
My friend Dallas alerted me to this Op-Ed piece in the New York Times written by Nicholas Kristof, where he asks this compelling question: “If the G-8 leaders are so willing to save one child, why are they collectively so far behind in meeting humanitarian aid pledges to save other children?”…