
The last thing you need is one more person spouting hot air about all of this “Christianity in decline” business, and yet here I am… mostly because I have been trying to figure out why I’m so frustrated about all of this. Well, specifically, the way some people are talking…

This Monday morning’s Moltmann outtake comes from The Church in the Power of the Spirit, in the chapter of that same name: It is necessary to reflect theologically on the mission of the community and every individual Christian, and on the congregation’s order and special ministry for before anyone actually…

One of the traits I love most about Moltmann’s work is that he has the unbelievable knack of turning a question on its head.  I tend to call these moments “WWF smackdown” moments, as I’ve mentioned elsewhere.  In reframing a question, Moltmann puts on his superhero cape and rescues us…