Spiritual direction is the ancient practice of walking alongside someone as they listen for God in their life. A spiritual director serves as a companion on your journey by listening, asking questions, and helping you notice where God is present in your circumstances. Some have called spiritual directors “anam cara,” or soul friends.
People seek spiritual direction for many reasons, including:
- Seeking clarity about vocation, calling, and next steps
- Wanting to reimagine/reconstruct an understanding of faith after experiencing a shift in beliefs
- Looking for spiritual support during a time of grief, loss, faith deconstruction, or other major life change
- Asking big questions about purpose at mid-life
- Feeling a call to something more or a general sense that something doesn’t feel right or is missing
- Feeling a sense of emptiness, and longing for spiritual practices that will create a more grounded sense of well-being
My intent and focus in spiritual direction is to be your companion as you discern what God may be showing you, calling you to do, and asking you leave behind.
I believe we all have holy intuition that can be sharpened and honed with attention and practice. Unfortunately, it’s rare that we receive any instruction on how to do so, and often our noisy culture creates endless roadblocks and distractions for listening well to our souls. Spiritual direction can offer insights and tools to bring you home to your soul, so that you are able to discern how the Spirit may be leading you.
I am currently accepting spiritual direction clients. I meet with clients both locally and nationally/internationally via Zoom. If you are interested in working with me, contact me at danielle@danielleshroyer.com.