The Boundary-Breaking God: An Unfolding Story of Hope & Promise - Tenth Anniversary Edition (March 2019)
A fresh, new exploration of who God is and what God wants for creation.
Danielle Shroyer introduces us to a God who delights in breaking through boundaries, loves to pop up in unexpected places, and favors the outsider over the institutional insider. Written for anyone longing for a more generous and loving God, this book offers a new paradigm through which faith can be understood. This boundary-breaking God engages life at every corner--social, economic, political, intellectual, ecological--and offers a refreshing view of God that is creative and expansive.

Original Blessing (November 2016)

Where Jesus Prayed (October 2015)
The Lord’s Prayer has remained with us for two thousand years for many reasons. Here it returns to its place of origin, carried deep in the heart of a pilgrim traveler as she walks where Jesus walked and discovers within its words the depth, beauty and truth of the One who prayed them first.

The Boundary-Breaking God: An Unfolding Story of Hope and Promise (October 2009)
A fresh, new exploration of who God is and what God wants for creation.
A young pastor introduces us to a God who delights in breaking through boundaries, loves to pop up in unexpected places, and favors the outsider over the institutional insider. Written for anyone longing for a more generative and loving God, this book offers a new paradigm through which faith can be understood. This boundary-breaking God engages life at every corner-social, economical, political, intellectual, ecological. Offers a refreshing view of God that is creative and expansive. Written by the former pastor of Journey Community Church in Dallas, this fresh vision of who God can be is enlivened by winsome personal stories and anecdotes. Seeing God's story as a story of boundary breaking opens our imaginations and compels Christians to live as people of hopeful purpose who attempt to change the world for the better.

Faith of Our Mothers, Living Still (October 2017)
This book presents an overview of the ministry of women associated with Princeton Theological Seminary over the last two hundred years. Beginning with a historical overview of early pioneering women at the seminary and a chapter highlighting selected trailblazers in ministry, it goes on to showcase twenty-eight first-person narratives by women from diverse racial-ethnic, geographical, and denominational backgrounds in a variety of ministry settings. It concludes by developing new understandings and directions for Christian ministry and theological education to challenge the twenty-first-century church. The book includes the newly commissioned hymn ""Faith of Our Mothers, Living Still,"" along with several appendixes that feature time lines and highlight Princeton Seminary faculty and alumnae. Faith of Our Mothers, Living Still celebrates the diverse ministries in which women are called to serve God and others, which inspire a holistic vision for theological education that can benefit seminaries, the church, and the world.

Common English Bible for Women (October 2016)
The CEB Women’s Bible is a full-featured, readable, and reliable women’s Bible for women’s groups and daily private devotion. It includes articles, reflections, and profiles on topics and biblical characters from women’s studies and women’s religious experience that are not typically found in Bibles for a non-academic audience. The goal was to produce a guide to help women grow in their understanding of and engagement with the Bible, and the life of a congregation.
The CEB Women’s Bible is intended for women in church leadership, women in the pews, and women who value spiritual practice in their lives. It is ideal for women who value equality and discussions related to issues of gender and justice and how those ideas are lived out through their faith.

Faith Forward: Volume 2. Re-Imagining Children’s and Youth Ministry (March 2015)
If you are seeking ways of doing children’s and youth ministry that are grassroots, forward thinking, ecumenical, innovative and collaborative, this book will provide inspiration and wisdom for the journey. It is essential reading for leaders working with children and youth, as well as for pastors, professors, and parents – anyone and everyone seeking to engage children and youth in respectful conversation, exploration, and learning in today’s complex world.

The Great Emergence: How Christianity Is Changing and Why (September 2012)
Renowned religion expert Phyllis Tickle reflects on our pivotal time in Church history and describes an exciting path for the future.