Articles by danielle

In honor of last week’s synchroblog on loving our enemies, here’s a prayer Moltmann wrote for a sermon on this difficult teaching of Jesus: “Heavenly Father, we call upon you in Jesus’ name.  We come with empty hands.  We have not been able to love our enemies.  As a rule…

My friend Doug Pagitt is known for a number of things.  He is the pastor of Solomons Porch in Minneapolis.  He has written a number of books, all of which I’d highly recommend to you.  He hosts his own radio show (“Religious radio that’s not quite right”) on Sundays that you can stream anytime….

A year ago today, The Boundary Breaking God: An Unfolding Story of Hope and Promise hit the shelves.   I’ve enjoyed traveling around and talking about the ideas I share in the book, and I’ve appreciated all the emails and conversations I’ve exchanged with readers and small group members.  (If you’re…

Happy Moltmann Monday!  In honor of my friend who is reading The Way of Jesus Christ today, here’s an excerpt from that work: “The gospel is the light which salvation throws ahead of itself.  It is nothing less than the arrival of the coming God in the word.  We have…

*For the  people who have not yet hopped on the Mad Men train but are contemplating it and to those who are behind on episodes:  Do not worry.  There is not a semblance of a spoiler anywhere in this post.  I promise. As you may know, I’m rather obsessed with…