Look, I know this is not about theology, or Moltmann, or the church, or even parenting. So feel free to abstain from reading my rant-y post. On Friday, I read The Hunger Games on the flight home. On Saturday, I bought the next two books in the series and finished…
Articles by danielle
This past week, I traveled to Ontario, CA for the Emergent Village Theological Conversation at Claremont. Over three days we heard from Monica A. Coleman, John Cobb and Philip Clayton as they talked about process, practice and a dash of metaphysics. I came into the conversation without any prior familiarity…
(This post is part of a Patheos Book Club roundtable review.) Simplicity and frugality become all the rage in a recession. In the last year, the cultural landscape has exploded with magazine articles and blog posts boasting how-to articles on making (and keeping) a budget, the secret to grocery coupon…
Attention those of you who live in the Dallas area: this Sunday, Mark Scandrette will be leading our Journey gathering! And YES, I KNOW this is Super Bowl Sunday, but guess what: 1) This is what DVRs are for and 2) the game lasts so long that you can…
In today’s excerpt from The Way of Jesus Christ we hop into a discussion Moltmann is having about creation, and specifically Genesis 1:2 (“The Spirit of God hovered over the face of the waters”): The Hebrew word rahaph is generally translated ‘hover’ or ‘brood’. But according to Deut. 32:11 and Jer….