Articles by danielle

Guys, I’ve been working on writing my current book project, which means I’ve been reading blogs and checking Facebook more than I ever do. Why? Because writing=2 hours of putzing around/2 hours of actually writing. Obviously. Therefore, wonder of wonders, I am actually INFORMED on a blog conversation regarding Christianity,…

Hello all! This morning I thought I’d grab a different book off my shelf: The Politics of Discipleship and Discipleship in Politics. It’s a series of lectures given by Moltmann in conversation with Mennonite scholars, and includes response/critique essays in the back. It’s a good read. I’m going to pick up…

Surely you’ve heard that Beyonce released a surprise album on iTunes this past Friday at midnight. She shared the news to her 8 million Instagram followers and it’s already the fastest selling record in iTunes history. Fans were delighted; others, not so much. Target, for instance, has decided not to…

Happy Moltmann Monday! Today’s excerpt is from The Way of Jesus Christ in a long section entitled “Spirit Christology.” As such, I pulled some introductory sentences and then skipped around to the remarks which would most easily and succinctly show you where Moltmann’s going in this section: Jesus’ history as the…

Happy Moltmann Monday from icy Dallas! As there’s been quite a bit of chatter about the poor lately in the news, from the debate over minimum wage rates, a post by Dave Ramsey and Rachel Held Evan’s counter-post, Pope Francis’ recent comments on money (and all the backlash he got from…