Well, it’s Lent, which means some of us are thinking about death. So this week’s Moltmann Monday quote is from The Coming of God, where Moltmann is talking about eternal life and personal eschatology. Since this is where I think much of American Christianity has a tendency to go off…
Articles by danielle
Happy Moltmann Monday, all! Since we’ve been talking about church, I thought I’d share from The Church in the Power of the Spirit today. It’s from one of the last chapters entitled “The Marks of the Church” where Moltmann discusses what he believes the “one, holy, catholic church” (Apostles Creed)…
It just so happens that two of my friends have just written books about church, and I think you should know about them (both the people and the books they wrote!) I have not yet read either of them, but I guarantee you they will both add a lot of…
Alright, I’ve already tossed out my thoughts on what church is for, so now I’ll take a stab at defining what church is: Church is the gathered community of God who, through the Spirit, practice the way of Jesus. That’s who we are, and that’s what we do. We are…
As a follow up to the previous post, which was itself a response to all the hoopla around Donald Miller being honest about how he doesn’t attend weekly worship, here’s the question: what’s the point of going to church? What do you do it for? Why does it exist? I…