Happy Moltmann Monday, all! Today’s selection is from The Politics of Discipleship and Discipleship in Politics. Moltmann is talking about political theology and how the messianic hope of Christ has real-life implications: The religious question of modern times is: ‘What may I hope for?’…The universal question about the future concentrates here…
Articles by danielle
Yes, I am. I’m talking about the Spurs on my blog. And yes, it’s because I love them and because I’m still overjoyed that they won Sunday night. But it’s also because their win showcases so much of why I love them. And in those qualities the Church can find…
Hello friends! This morning’s quote from my very favorite German comes from Ethics of Hope. I think it’s good to be reminded often that Jesus as the Son of God is a surprising revelation of who God is and how God loves. In the raising and exaltation of Christ, God…
Happy Pentecost, everyone! In honor of my favorite, blazing-red holy day, today’s Moltmann Monday excerpt comes from The Spirit of Life (bold mine): To experience the fellowship of the Spirit inevitably carries Christianity beyond itself into the greater fellowship of all God’s creatures. For the community of creation, in which all…
I had the great honor of meeting Rabbi Sandy Eisenberg Sasso at last week’s Faith Forward conference. I was already a big fan of her books (In God’s Name, God’s Paintbrush) and I was delighted to learn that she was even more wonderful and engaging in person. (Don’t you just…