I was hoping to post a link to the archives of The Hardest Question, a lectionary blog that I loved writing for in years past. Unfortunately, I cannot seem to find the archived posts. So, I’m posting my reflections on the lectionary texts for Ascension Sunday here. I continue to…
Articles by danielle
Today’s selection is from The Way of Jesus Christ and includes an awesome word that you will want to know and use if you don’t already: plenipotentiary. YES! Bur first, we have to talk about those awkward demon stories… The expulsion of demons and the healing of the sick are…
Apologies in advance that this is a soap box of mine. But I find I am continually frustrated over the way we handle disagreement in the public square, and the ways we throw around the idea of tolerance as a way to squelch that disagreement. So I want to talk…
This week we continue in the same chapter as last week, as well as the same thought, which is that the cross means more than just personal salvation and it implicates us in a way of living toward others and for others. It leads us to love. From The Crucified God:…
As we are in the season of Lent, I wanted to bring you this paragraph from my favorite book, The Crucified God. It’s from his chapter entitled “Resistance of the Cross Against Its Interpretations” which may be my favorite chapter of the book because it remains so prophetic and necessary: The…