As you may know, late Monday evening something of a miracle happened…for a second time. Kelly Gissendaner, a death row inmate in Georgia, was scheduled to be put to death by lethal injection. It had been scheduled for the previous week, which was delayed due to weather. And on Monday,…
Articles by danielle
Friends, no excerpt today. The work of theology I want to share today comes from Moltmann’s life, not his books. Over the weekend the New York Times ran an article about a death row inmate in Georgia who has become friends with Moltmann. Kelly Gissendaner is scheduled to be put…
Happy Moltmann Monday! Since I talked about perichoresis last week, I thought I’d share with you some of Moltmann’s thoughts on the perichoretic dance of the trinity. It comes from The Trinity and the Kingdom, naturally. An eternal life process takes place in the triune God through the exchange of…
I’m a big proponent of having church be a space where we talk together about God, rather than a space where people come to listen to one “expert” talk about God. And when you’re cultivating that space, whether it’s during a Sunday gathering, as it is in my church, or…
Friends, I’m going to share one of my favorite words with you today. And yes, I learned about it from Moltmann. The word is perichoresis. You pronounce it perry-ko-ray-sis. (When Moltmann says it, he sort of drags out and softens the last two syllables, so it sounds like “perry-ko-reeeeyzzzsssis.”) Perichoresis…