Articles by danielle

Happy Moltmann Monday! Today’s selection comes from The Way of Jesus Christ in a section discussing Jesus’ acceptance of outcasts (bold mine) where he basically asks this pointed question of us: On whose backs are we gaining our righteousness? It’s worth considering. The Pharisees despised ‘the country people’ because they did…

Friends, Patheos has a whole page of Where Jesus Prayed-related things, including articles, interviews and excerpts. (And soon to come, reviews!) If you haven’t had a chance to go take a look yet, you can do so here at the Patheos Book Club. Or, you can pick and choose from…

Happy Moltmann Monday! It also happens to be Columbus Day, so I thought we might benefit from hearing Moltmann talk with us about ecological rights, human rights, and how they are inextricably connected. So our excerpt today comes from Ethics of Hope in chapter 15. It’s a little dense, so read…

If you’ve seen the cover of my new book, or any of the Facebook ads, you’ve already seen the beautiful photos of Carter Rose. If you happen to live in Dallas, then you’ve seen his work everywhere- in the Dallas Morning News, in Luxe magazine or Dallas Child, in a…

I’m so honored to have been part of Faith Forward for the past 4 years. Faith Forward is a conference that brings together children’s and youth ministry leaders for a time of collaboration, resourcing and inspiration. We’re all in this together, reimagining faith formation for the next generation, holding onto…