In a couple of weeks, Christians around the world will enter the season of Advent, where we wait for the Light as we walk toward Christmas. Waiting is difficult because it requires us to acknowledge we do not have control over the future. Waiting on God is vulnerable before it can be…
Articles by danielle
As the weekend brought us stories of terror from our brothers and sisters in Paris, I bring to you today a selection from The Crucified God. As it happens, the 40th anniversary edition was just released from Fortress Press, so if you have not yet read this book, this is…
Local friends, just wanted to remind you that I’ll be around town twice in the next month signing books at these two fine establishments. I would love to see you there! The first is Saturday, November 14th from 2-4pm at Logos Bookstore. Logos is a fantastic independent Christian bookstore located…
Moltmann friends, it’s been a big weekend. Those of you who pre-ordered Moltmann’s latest book, The Living God and the Fullness of Life, most likely have found it in your mailbox. I have only just started reading mine, but I am loving it so far (surprise to no one ever)….
For the past decade, my community of faith, Journey, has been in partnership with Pastor Steven Turikunkiko, his wife Providance and their family, friends and neighbors. We have shared stories and written letters and supported one another in doing the work of building communities of peace and generosity and reconciliation….