A Sustainable Faith

This April I’ll be speaking at the Sustainable Faith conference in Florida.  I’ll be joined by Shane Claiborne, Spencer Burke and Cheri Honkala.  The primary question around which we’ll be gathering is, “How can we be sustainably committed to justice over the long haul and not become overwhelmed by the enormity of it’s scope and size?”  I’ll be delivering one of the keynotes, tying in themes of hope, God’s boundary-breaking faithfulness, and of course, Moltmann references.

If you are planning to come in (which you should!), be sure to consider coming in a day early for the trip to Immokalee, a site of recent controversy regarding the treatment of immigrant farmworkers.  Shane will be coming along to help us dialogue with them, hear their stories and contemplate what justice looks like in this Florida town.  I applaud their attempt to marry conference conversation (a good and helpful thing) with concrete action and contextualization (the goal of any good theological conversation).

Florida’s great in April- no matter where you currently reside!  So book your tickets and join us.  It will be a worthwhile and encouraging few days.

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