September 2015

This past June, I traveled to Princeton for a conference and brought along my thirteen year old daughter and my seventeen year old niece. While there, we went on a campus tour, and though admittedly I’m already a die-hard fan of liberal arts education, and Princeton is one of my…

I’ve told you before, friends: Moltmann’s collection of sermons, The Power of the Powerless, is so very good. Honestly, just go order it. You can send me a thank you note. Today’s excerpt is from his sermon on Moses based on Exodus 4:10-16, entitled “The Calling of the Unworthy.” I…

The intersection of work and faith is complicated. When your job requires you to do something that goes against your faith convictions, what do you do? Let’s start off by being honest in admitting this: every single kind of work in the world is going to go against your faith-inspired values…

I had so much fun as the guest host on LectioCast over the last month! LectioCast is a weekly podcast discussion on the lectionary texts, hosted by New Testament scholar Daniel Kirk (and featuring guest hosts like me!) They’re less than 30 minutes, so it’s a perfect way to ponder insights and…