November 2012

    I had a conversation over Thanksgiving break with my teenage niece about college and careers. Though she still has plenty of time to decide on the rest of her life, she’s already being bombarded by well-meaning (we hope) adults who insist she must think about what kind of…

Hey Dallas people, come by our Alternative Gift Market next Sunday December 2nd at 4pm at Journey. We’ll have all kinds of lovely goodies- fair trade coffee and chocolate, handmade items that support amazing people and organizations, lots of opportunities to donate to non-profits we love, and even a way…

On election night, I spent a fair amount of time explaining to my kids why the map looked more red than blue and why that didn’t actually mean more people voted red than blue. We had to talk about the electoral college, and about population density, and also about how…

This weekend I’ll be talking on a number of panels during the National Youth Workers Convention, held in Dallas this year. Specifically, I’ll be sharing thoughts on what eschatology has to do with youth ministry, and how Scripture and theology interact. Also, you won’t want to miss the late night…

It’s just me again, batting away at my “the universe is expanding and isn’t the world amazing and don’t you think we should think of God in terms big enough to match it?” drum again. From the Daily Galaxy: Astronomers estimate that their are billions and billions of galaxies in…