Happy Birthday to the BBG!

A year ago today, The Boundary Breaking God: An Unfolding Story of Hope and Promise hit the shelves.   I’ve enjoyed traveling around and talking about the ideas I share in the book, and I’ve appreciated all the emails and conversations I’ve exchanged with readers and small group members.  (If you’re in the general Dallas area and your group is reading the book, drop me a note.  I’d love to drop by and talk about it with you all!)

My intention was to create some spaces of hope for people who wondered if the story of God was too small for them, and to try to convince them as persuasively as possible that this expanding universe we live in (and the story that accompanies it) has room for far more than we often give it credit.

Here are a few interviews/podcasts/reviews of the book if you missed them:

An interview on Doug Pagitt Radio, a book review by Mustard Seed Associates, , an interview on Jason Boyett’s blog, an interview over at The Nick and Josh Podcast, and another book review by Englewood Review of Books. (The Christian Century review can only be accessed if you’re a web suscriber.  Boo.)

Thanks again to all of you who have supported the book!

*The photo above is from the Museum of Natural History in NYC.  I snagged the photo last summer while on vacation with my family.

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