Article in Immerse

I have a brief article on prayer out in this month’s Immerse Journal.  Immerse is a magazine dedicated to issues of relevance to people who work with and for youth.  The magazine has fantastic content, and it’s really lovely to hold and to look at, too.  (Yes, I’m still one of those people who values a tangible book or magazine and loves to feel the weight of the paper and see the color of the inks.)  I’d highly recommend it.

I was asked to write a piece for their Soul Care column, and I talked about my prayer life, which has become mostly wordless in recent years.  Here’s a brief look:

“Sometimes, when I’m thinking about something that is worrying me, I just let out a sigh and close my eyes for a moment, sending it along to God like a quiet postcard.  At times, it feels like God and I are like an old married couple who know each other well enough to shoot a glance across the room at a party to signal we’re tired.  God knows my glances, knows my sighs, knows what it is I struggle with and what I long for and what I desperately need help doing.  Somehow, in not attempting to write a persuasive seminary paper with multiple points every time I pray, I’ve been freed to trust more deeply in that relationship, to breathe, and most importantly, to let go.”

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