October 2009

Last night at Journey we looked at the story of Jesus feeding the five thousand and I talked about the contrast between the bread of heaven (read: not heaven as in far away, “no consequence as long as I get there” heaven but heaven as the realm of God’s household,…

This Sunday is Bread for the World Sunday, a day when communities of faith across the nation come together to pray for those who are hungry among us, to confess that we have not done enough to feed them, and to renew our commitment to action. If you’re a pastor…

I know, I know, it’s cliche to talk about the spiritual dimension to U2’s lyrics. But Monday night’s concert began by Bono yelling to the crowd, “Let’s give the future a kiss!” (a line from “Get on your boots”) and I just couldn’t help but think of the promising horizon…

I’m certain I will not be able to recapture the magic of Christianity 21 here, so instead I offer you a few snapshot moments/cursory observations that were lovely ones for me. – There was something incredibly authentic and open about the overarching tone of the conference. The speakers came from…

…come tonight to the Emergent Cohort. We’ll be discussing my book, eating chips and salsa and generally having a good time. You can find out all the information you need here. Hope to see you tonight! I’ll be posting some reflections on the great time I had at Christianity 21…