August 2009

The Emergent Theological Conversation with Jurgen Moltmann is drawing near! To get us all in the spirit of this landmark event, this week I’ll be doing a series of posts to tell you the top five reasons I love Moltmann. Reason #1: Moltmann actually cares about the Holy Spirit. If…

(Pre- PostScript: Hermeneutics simply means the method/theory of biblical interpretation.) Hampton sent along a link to the work of artist Lauren DiCioccio in her comment to my Statistics as Art post below. I was so enamored by the picture and concept that I’ve been thinking about it off and on…

As someone for whom numbers sometimes look like cute little characters that need a name before I pay them any attention, I can relate to the very real fact that statistics often hit us as meaningless. Chris Jordan in Seattle has created some amazing works of art to bring these…

Next week I’m going to tell you the top 5 reasons why I love Moltmann. (Believe me, I could list thousands, but I’ll just give you the top five.) For now, though, I’ll point out one example of Moltmannian genius for you that I like to call WWF Smackdown Moments….